Mental Health

It’s hardly surprising that some liken life to a rollercoaster with its changing pace, twists, turns, ups and downs. As you grow older you are likely to have both happy and sad times, and go...

Fitness and exercise

Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. People who lead an active life are less likely to get ill and more likely to live longer. Exercise not only makes you physically...

Mental Health

Bulimia nervosa, often shortened to bulimia, is an eating disorder. A person with bulimia has difficulties regulating their food intake. Periods of excessive overeating (bingeing) followed by...

Mental Health

Anxiety disorders are conditions in which symptoms of anxiety are so severe or occur so regularly, they start to interfere with everyday life.

Fitness and exercise

If you’re overweight and want to shift some of the excess, it's important to set yourself a realistic, achievable target. The best way to lose weight is to make some changes to both your...


The amount and type of food you eat has a major influence on your health. If you eat a well-balanced diet, it can reduce your risk of various diseases as well as help you to maintain a healthy...

Fitness and exercise

Weighing too much or too little can seriously affect your health, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your weight. This article explains how to work out whether you’re a healthy...

Fitness and exercise

It’s very likely that you’ve seen tennis players eating bananas during a match, cyclists in the Tour de France gulping sports drinks, or football players eating oranges at half-time....