Dyslexia is a condition that hinders the development of language-based skills, including reading, spelling and writing.
About dyslexia
Symptoms of dyslexia
Causes of dyslexia
Diagnosis of dyslexia
Treatment of dyslexia

About dyslexia

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that affects skills associated with language. It’s a long-lasting difficulty with reading and writing and it’s not something your child will grow out of but it can be improved with specialist teaching.
Dyslexia isn’t related to intelligence, but it can affect abilities such as short-term memory, organisational skills and concentration.
Dyslexia is sometimes associated with other conditions such as dyspraxia (difficulty co-ordinating and organising thoughts and movements) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Symptoms of dyslexia

Dyslexia affects different people in different ways. It can range from mild to severe and the symptoms can be different for everyone. For example, if your child has dyslexia, he or she may be good at reading but struggle with spelling or writing.
You can often spot signs of dyslexia in children at a young age. However, because children develop at different rates, it's important to remember that even if your child has one or more of the characteristics associated with dyslexia, it doesn't necessarily mean that he or she has the condition. Symptoms of dyslexia don’t always show early on – your child may only show symptoms at a late stage in his or her school life.
Talk to your child's school, GP or health visitor if you think that, compared with other children of the same age, he or she has a number of the following:

  • is slow to develop clear speech (usually not speaking until after he or she is two)
  • has difficulty pronouncing certain words, and gets them muddled up eg ‘mawn lower’ instead of lawn mower (although most children mix up pronunciation as they learn to talk)
  • has difficulty working out which words rhyme with each other
  • has difficulty with numbers – putting them in the wrong order or the wrong way round, eg 14 for 41
  • has difficulty learning the alphabet
  • can’t tell the difference between letters and other symbols
  • reads letters or words in the wrong order or reversed (eg reading 'was' as 'saw', writing 'd' as 'b' and 'p' as 'q')
  • has difficulty recognising words that he or she has previously seen
  • misses words out or adds extra words where they aren't needed
  • can’t recognise or spell his or her own name when written
  • has poor handwriting

Your child may experience visual disturbances or discomfort when reading text, such as blurred words and letters that appear to move around on the page. Some children are sensitive to the glare of a white background on a page or computer screen. He or she may also be unable to read certain colours of text on a white background, for example if a teacher uses red pen to write on a whiteboard. Your child may not tell you about these difficulties so you may want to ask what he or she sees when looking at a printed page.
There are also some symptoms that aren’t related to reading or writing.

  • Your child may have poor fine motor skills, for example he or she may have trouble tying shoe laces, drawing or cutting.
  • Your child may have trouble following instructions or struggle to do things in the right order (sequencing).
  • Your child may have difficulty remembering instructions and concentration.
  • Your child may have poor co-ordination.
  • Older children may lack confidence and have low self esteem.

Children with dyslexia may also have, or develop, particular strengths, such as:

  • increased creativity and artistic/dramatic skills
  • good lateral or ‘big picture’ thinking ability
  • intuitive problem-solving skills
  • good visual and spatial skills
  • good social skills


Causes of dyslexia

The exact reasons why your child may have dyslexia aren’t fully understood at present. People with dyslexia are usually born with the condition but it’s generally not recognised until your child enters school. It's thought to be caused by differences in the way that their brain processes information, particularly language. Dyslexia is related to genetics – many people with dyslexia have a family member who also has the same characteristics.

Diagnosis of dyslexia

If you think your child may have dyslexia, it’s important that you speak to his or her school as early as possible. You can request a statutory assessment for him or her through your local education authority (LEA).
The assessment may include tests, interviews and observation of your child. The assessment will usually be carried out by a Chartered Educational Psychologist (a professional who specialises in the mind and behaviour), who will advise you and your child's school about how best to manage his or her difficulties.
Following your child's assessment you will be provided with a report with recommendations for educational support for your child.

Treatment of dyslexia

With support, your child can learn to read and write well. Usually, the earlier you find out that your child has dyslexia the better. It means that additional help can be offered at school and you can also offer help at home.

Help at home

It's important to be as supportive as you can and build up your child's confidence. The following tips may be helpful.

  • Speak to your child’s teacher about his or her abilities, progress and any problem areas.
  • Keep in touch with your child’s teacher regularly and find ways you can support and help.
  • Try to meet other parents whose children have dyslexia. Sharing tips and mutual support can help during setbacks.
  • Read aloud with your child every day – this will help build his or her vocabulary and develop his or her ability to understand the meaning of words and phrases.
  • Help your child to organise his or her homework – for example, break large tasks up into smaller, more manageable chunks – this can make large tasks seem less daunting. Read through all instructions with your child to make sure he or she has a clear understanding of what needs to be done.
  • Encourage your child to take part in lots of activities outside school. This can help to build his or her confidence.

The more you believe in your child's abilities, the more he or she will develop in confidence.

  • Encourage your child to update you regularly on his or her progress and give praise for any improvement.
  • Talk openly with your child about his or her dyslexia and encourage your child to discuss his or her feelings with you.
  • Point out successful role models who have dyslexia, for example, Richard Branson, Steve Redgrave and Keira Knightly.
  • As your child gets older, help him or her to explain dyslexia to other people.


Help at school or college

Education authorities and schools must cater for children with special educational needs, including those who have dyslexia.
Talk to your child’s teachers at school. Arrange to see the school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) so that any specialist teaching arrangements can be made and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be put in place.
There are many things that can be done to help your child at school. Children with dyslexia respond best to teaching that is highly structured, thorough, builds up gradually (cumulative) and is multi-sensory (looking, listening, saying and doing). Lessons should be varied, interesting and active, involving different types of learning, including books, computers, interactive DVDs and other materials. Your child may be given extra time to complete tasks and your child's teacher may use alternative ways of assessing him or her.
If your child is sensitive to glare from the white background of a page, your child’s school can provide cream or pastel coloured paper to reduce glare. Coloured overlays can be used to make reading and writing easier, or your child may benefit from tinted glasses. Your school or GP may be able to refer your child to an optometrist who has specialist knowledge of this condition (a registered health professional who examines eyes, tests sight and dispenses glasses and contact lenses) if you think he or she would benefit from tinted glasses.
If your child is struggling, his or her school may be able to provide specialist support, or support from a learning assistant who can spend time with your child on a one-to-one basis.

How will my child's school help my child with his or her dyslexia?
I've heard about coloured paper and filters. Can these help with reading?
How might dyslexia affect my child’s behaviour?



How will my child's school help my child with his or her dyslexia?


Your child’s school is required to provide support for your child. It can help him or her in many ways including specialised teaching, use of computers and extra time for work and tests.


If your child has dyslexia, talk to his or her teacher and arrange to meet the school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Your child's school is required to draw up an individual education plan (IEP) for your child. This is intended to be specifically tailored to meet your child's needs and abilities and will be used to monitor his or her progress.
Extra help that your child can be offered in the classroom may include:

  • use of specialist equipment, such as a computer
  • extra help from teaching staff
  • printing on coloured paper if your child requires it, or the use of coloured overlays
  • teaching in a different way or use of a wider range of teaching materials
  • extra time for certain tasks
  • special arrangements in exams, such as extra time, a reader or somebody to write for him or her (a scribe)

If your child's teacher thinks he or she isn’t making progress, or is becoming frustrated, the school may be able to arrange specialist support for him or her.

I've heard about coloured paper and filters. Can these help with reading?

Yes, some people with dyslexia find it easier to read from coloured paper or if they look at text through coloured lenses or filters.


Some people with dyslexia find reading text on a white background difficult because they are particularly sensitive to light reflecting off the white background (glare). They may also have trouble with reading print, because it becomes unstable on the page – for example it appears blurry, the letters move around on the page, words double or flicker. This is known as Meares-Irlen syndrome. It’s more common in people with dyslexia.
Reading text on a coloured background instead of white, wearing tinted glasses or putting a coloured filter over the white background often makes reading much easier. Teachers may need to change the colour of pen they use to write on the whiteboard, as people with this Meares-Irlen syndrome often have trouble reading certain colours, such as red, from a whiteboard. Computer screens can be adapted with special background colours.
If you think your child needs this type of help with reading, you can ask your child's school or GP to refer your child to an optometrist (a registered health professional who examines eyes, tests sight and dispenses glasses and contact lenses).

How might dyslexia affect my child’s behaviour?

Dyslexia is unlikely to be a direct cause of behavioural problems in your child, but it can lead to frustration, which in turn can lead to behavioural problems.


Behavioural problems aren't usually a symptom of dyslexia. However, without the right support, dyslexia can stop children learning and because they aren’t learning, their behaviour and confidence can be affected. Your child may become frustrated because he or she is unable to do the same things as other children, or get bored because he or she is unable to take part in lessons, and this might show in the form of bad behaviour. Difficulty concentrating for long periods or organising themselves may also give the wrong idea of their behaviour.
It’s important to talk to your child about his or her dyslexia and encourage and support any progress. Remember to praise even the small things and try to focus on the positive aspects of your child’s condition, such as creativity.
Children with special educational needs, such as dyslexia, are more likely to be bullied as they can be singled out as being different from their classmates. If you're worried that your child may be being bullied, talk to his or her teachers. Your child’s school will have a bullying policy in place and will be able to deal with the problem. You can also help by listening to your child, reassuring him or her and discussing ways of solving the problem.
If you're worried about your child's behaviour or the behaviour of other children towards your child, talk to your child and your child's teacher.


Further information





  • A framework for understanding dyslexia. Department for Education and Skills. www.education.gov.uk, published 2004
  • Wood T. Overcoming dyslexia for dummies. 1st ed. Indianapolis: Wiley, 2006
  • About Dyslexia. British Dyslexia Association. www.bdadyslexia.org.uk, accessed 26 October 2010
  • Dyslexia and dyscalcula. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. www.parliament.uk, published July 2004
  • Specific learning disabilities: information for parents, carers and anyone who works with young people. Royal College of Psychiatrists. www.rcpsych.ac.uk, published December 2009
  • Behavioural problems and conduct disorder: information for parents, carers and anyone who works with young people. The Royal College of Psychiatrists. www.rcpsych.ac.uk, published 2004
  • Support for children. Dyslexia Action. www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk, accessed 28 October
  • The emotional cost of bullying: information for parents, carers and anyone who works with young people. The Royal College of Psychiatrists. www.rcpsych.ac.uk, published 2004


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