Pyloric stenosis is a condition that develops in babies in the first couple of months after they are born. It means that part of the baby’s digestive system has narrowed, so milk can’t get through to be digested.
About pyloric stenosis
Symptoms of pyloric stenosis
Causes of pyloric stenosis
Diagnosis of pyloric stenosis
Treatment of pyloric stenosis

About pyloric stenosis

The pylorus is the section of your baby's digestive system between his or her stomach and small bowel. Pyloric stenosis occurs when the muscle in this area thickens, causing the pylorus to become narrower. As a result of this narrowing, milk can't get through to be digested.
Pyloric stenosis affects about one baby in every 400. The symptoms usually appear between three and six weeks after a baby is born.
Pyloric stenosis is about four times more common in boys than in girls, particularly in first-borns. It’s less likely to develop in babies who are breastfed.

Symptoms of pyloric stenosis

The first symptom that you notice is likely to be your baby vomiting small amounts of milk after feeding. At first, this may not be any more than usual. However, over a few days this will get worse and your baby won't be able to keep any milk down. The vomiting will become more severe and powerful. This is called projectile vomiting and it may be so forceful that it travels some distance out of your baby's mouth. The milk that your baby vomits may be yellow or curdled and unpleasant smelling as it will have mixed with acid in his or her stomach.
Other symptoms that your baby may have include:

  • constipation
  • being hungry all the time
  • weight loss
  • lack of energy

If your baby has these symptoms, see your GP. It's important that your baby receives treatment for pyloric stenosis, otherwise he or she may become seriously dehydrated. Your baby also won't be able to put on weight as he or she won’t be absorbing any nutrients from the milk being drunk.

Causes of pyloric stenosis

The exact reasons why your baby may develop pyloric stenosis aren't fully understood at present. However, there is evidence that the condition runs in families, particularly from mothers to their sons. Researchers are carrying out studies to try to identify the gene or genes that are involved in this process.

Diagnosis of pyloric stenosis

Your GP will ask about your baby's symptoms and examine him or her. During the examination, your GP will feel to see if there is a small hard lump on the right-hand side of your baby's stomach. This is called the ‘olive test’ because the thickened pylorus feels a bit like an olive. It's especially noticeable when your baby is feeding.
Your GP may ask you to give your baby a feed so that he or she can observe and examine your baby during this and any vomiting that occurs afterwards. During the feed, it may be possible to see the muscles around your baby's stomach moving from side to side as they try to push milk through the pylorus.
Your GP will want to rule out other conditions that could be causing your baby’s symptoms, such as an infection, overfeeding or the possibility that your baby has a milk allergy.
It's likely that your GP will refer you to a specialist. He or she will do further tests including:

  • blood tests
  • a barium meal - this involves your baby swallowing a drink containing barium (a substance that shows up on X-rays); X-ray images of your baby's abdomen (tummy) then show the inside of his or her bowel more clearly
  • an ultrasound scan - this uses sound waves to produce an image of the inside of your baby's abdomen and will show the thickened pylorus muscle


Treatment of pyloric stenosis

Your baby will need to have an operation called a pyloromyotomy. This is sometimes referred to as a Ramstedt's pyloromyotomy or a Ramstedt operation. A surgeon will split your baby’s pylorus muscle and spread it open. This allows your baby’s pylorus to widen and allow milk through.
The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic. This means that your baby will be asleep during the operation and will feel no pain. The operation takes about half an hour.
Before the operation, your baby will probably be put on a drip to give him or her fluids. This helps to rehydrate your baby and return his or her blood to a healthy state.
Your baby will have a tube put up his or her nose and down the oesophagus (the pipe that goes from the mouth to the stomach). This gets rid of any liquid still in his or her stomach and will be removed after the operation.
After the operation your baby will probably have to stay in hospital for a few days. It's recommended that you wait at least four hours after the operation before feeding your baby to try to reduce the risk of vomiting. He or she may still vomit a bit at first, but it probably won't be as serious as before.
You will be able to take your baby home once he or she is feeding well and putting on weight. Your baby is likely to make a full recovery and have no further problems.

This section contains answers to common questions about this topic. Questions have been suggested by health professionals, website feedback and requests via email. See our answers to common questions about pyloric stenosis, including:
How do I tell whether my baby's vomiting is caused by pyloric stenosis?
Is surgery the only way of treating pyloric stenosis?
Are there any risks to the operation?

How do I tell whether my baby's vomiting is caused by pyloric stenosis?

The symptoms of pyloric stenosis are quite different to those caused by a stomach infection or overfeeding.


If your baby has a stomach infection, he or she is unlikely to want to feed. This is different to pyloric stenosis when your baby is always hungry because he or she isn't getting any nourishment.
Overfeeding is when your baby gets more milk than he or she needs. It can cause spitting up (not as violent as vomiting) and diarrhoea.
With pyloric stenosis, your baby will vomit, but this will be much more forceful than usual. It will continue to get progressively worse over several days. You may also notice that your baby's bowel movements are different from usual and that there are fewer wet or soiled nappies.

Is surgery the only way of treating pyloric stenosis?

Yes, at the moment if your baby develops pyloric stenosis, he or she will need to have an operation called a pyloromyotomy to treat the condition.


It’s possible that in the future, other treatments may be developed so that pyloric stenosis can be treated without surgery. Studies that are currently being carried out suggest that it may be possible to give babies with pyloric stenosis a medicine called atropine. However, it seems that with this form of treatment babies have to stay in hospital for longer and the medicine must be continued for several weeks. More research is needed to find out if atropine is a suitable alternative treatment to surgery.
Research is also being carried out to try to identify the gene or genes that are responsible for causing pyloric stenosis. It’s possible that if researchers are able to do this, new ways of treating the condition may be developed. This may also make it possible to diagnose pyloric stenosis earlier and maybe even prevent it.

Are there any risks to the operation?

All surgery carries an element of risk. However, pyloromyotomy is usually a very successful operation.


It's possible for there to be complications during or after any operation. These may include bleeding or the wound becoming infected afterwards. However, for most babies a pyloromyotomy is successful and they make a good recovery.
Your baby's surgeon will either do an open or keyhole pyloromyotomy. There is no clear evidence as to which procedure is more effective, but if a keyhole operation is done, then your baby's scar will probably be smaller.



This information was published by Bupa's Health Information Team and is based on reputable sources of medical evidence. It has been peer reviewed by Bupa doctors. The content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
Publication date: March 2010.

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