Croup is the common name for laryngotracheitis. This is when the voice box (larynx), trachea (windpipe) and airways from the lungs (bronchi) become infected. It's a common condition and rarely has serious consequences.
Croup mainly affects children under the age of six. Often no treatment is needed, but sometimes medicines will be prescribed.

About croup
Symptoms of croup
Complications of croup
Causes of croup
Diagnosis of croup
Treatment of croup
Prevention of croup

About croup

Croup is an infection of the upper parts of the respiratory (breathing) system, and is characterised by a barking cough.  It makes the airways inflamed and swollen and causes thick mucus to be produced, making it difficult for air to move into and out of the lungs.
About three in every 100 children will get croup each year. It mainly affects children between the ages of a few months and six years old, but children are most likely to get it if they are under three. This is because at this age, children's windpipes and airways are smaller and so they are more likely to become narrower if they are infected. For this reason, the symptoms are usually more severe in younger children.
Children may get croup more than once. It occurs more often during the autumn and spring in the UK.

Symptoms of croup

The most obvious symptom of croup is a barking cough, which may start suddenly during the night. The cough has been compared to the noise made by a seal. Your child may have a runny nose, cough, sore throat and mild fever (38–39°C) for a few days before the cough starts.
Other symptoms of croup include:

  • noisy breathing – a rasping sound when breathing in (stridor) or wheezing when breathing out
  • hoarse throat
  • problems with breathing
  • the chest moving up and down more than normal during breathing
  • a high fever (40°C or more)

You may find that your child's symptoms are worse at night. Symptoms usually last between three and seven days, though your child may be ill for up to two weeks.
These symptoms may be caused by problems other than croup. You should visit your GP for advice.

Complications of croup

Croup doesn't usually last for longer than a few days. However, occasionally children who have severe croup can develop an ear infection or pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).
If the infection is severe, the airways can become so narrow that your child can’t breathe. If this happens, your child will need to go to hospital for treatment. About one in 20 children with croup need to go to hospital (see hospital treatment).
It's important that you contact your GP immediately if your child's condition gets worse. You should call an ambulance for emergency help if your child has a rapid heart beat, can't breathe, seems unusually sleepy, has blueness around the mouth or if the skin around his or her neck or ribcage is drawn in.

Causes of croup

A virus called parainfluenza causes croup in three-quarters of children who get croup. Other viruses, including the respiratory syncytial virus and the measles virus, can cause croup.  Occasionally it may be caused by bacteria.

Diagnosis of croup

Your GP will ask about your child's symptoms and examine him or her. Your GP may also ask about your child's medical history. Usually this will be enough to diagnose croup.
Stridor and other breathing problems may also be caused if something is lodged in the throat or by infections other than croup. If your GP isn't sure what is causing the symptoms, he or she may refer your child to a ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgeon.

Treatment of croup

Most children who develop croup will get better within a couple of days and won't need to have any medical treatment. In some children, the infection may last up to a week.


It's important to make sure that your child drinks plenty of fluids so that he or she doesn't get dehydrated. Your child's symptoms will probably be better if he or she stays as upright as possible.
Steam inhalation has been used for many years to treat croup, but there is no scientific evidence to show that it actually works. However, if your child only has mild croup, you may find that it's helpful in making him or her more comfortable.
You can create a steamy atmosphere by running the hot taps in your bathroom and closing the door to keep the steam inside. It's very important that you keep your child away from the hot water and take care not to scald him or her. You can also buy air humidifiers.


Your GP may prescribe a type of medicine called a corticosteroid. Your child is likely to receive one dose, taken by mouth, of a medicine called dexamethasone or prednisolone. This medicine is very effective at relieving the symptoms of croup, and your child probably won't need any further medical treatment.
Cough medicines and decongestants don’t help and you should not give these to your child.

Hospital treatment

If your child has more severe croup he or she will need to go to hospital. There, doctors can help your child get more oxygen by using “blow-by” oxygen, where a hose of oxygen is held near the nose and mouth.
Your child may need another kind of steroid medicine called budesonide, which has to be inhaled as a gas through a mask with a nebuliser. Some young children find this upsetting.
If this does not help, your child may also be given an inhalation of adrenaline with a nebuliser. This is a hormone (chemical produced by your body) that can be made artificially. It causes the airways to widen and the effect lasts for about two to three hours.
If the medicines don’t help, your child may need to have a tube put into the windpipe to breathe.  This happens in fewer than two in 100 children who go to hospital with croup.

Prevention of croup

Croup is spread by droplets in the air which are released when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes. The disease can also be passed on by touching a surface that has been contaminated. You can reduce the risk of croup by making sure your child washes his or her hands regularly.

This section contains answers to common questions about this topic. Questions have been suggested by health
professionals, website feedback and requests via email.

Will my child need to go to hospital for treatment?
Can I give my child cough medicine?
Are there other conditions that can be confused with croup?

Will my child need to go to hospital for treatment?

It depends on how serious his or her condition is.


If your child's airways are very blocked, it's possible that he or she may be admitted to hospital so the doctors can keep an eye on him or her for a while. This happens for about one in 20 children who have croup.
Your child may also be taken into hospital if you live a long way away or transport to the hospital is difficult. In addition, if your child's symptoms don't improve after treatment with medicines, it may be recommended that he or she stays in hospital. Occasionally, if your child's airways are very swollen, he or she may need to have a tube inserted directly through the voice box into the windpipe. Oxygen is supplied through the tube to help your child breathe.

Can I give my child cough medicine?

There is no evidence that cough medicines are helpful with croup, and some can make breathing more difficult.


It's best not to give your child cough medicine as these haven't been shown to have any benefit. In addition, it's possible that they may make it harder for your child to breathe because they contain ingredients that may make him or her feel sleepy.
There is also no evidence to prove that decongestants are helpful in treating croup. However, you may find that giving your child painkillers such as liquid paracetamol helps to relieve the symptoms. Always ask your doctor for advice and read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine.

Are there other conditions that can be confused with croup?

Yes, there are a number of other conditions that have similar symptoms to croup. Some of these are more serious and need urgent medical attention. If your child is having difficulty breathing, call an ambulance for emergency help.


There are some conditions that may be confused with croup because they cause the same symptoms. There are certain things that can make it easier for you to determine whether your child has croup or if it's a more serious condition.
If your child has swallowed something that is stuck in his or her throat, some of the symptoms may be the same as those of croup such as coughing and difficulty breathing. However, unlike croup, if your child has something wedged in his or her throat, the symptoms will start very suddenly when the child was well seconds before.
It's possible that your child may have epiglottitis. This is caused by a bacterium, usually Haemophilus influenzae, and causes your child's epiglottis to swell. The epiglottis is a flap of tissue at the back of the throat that closes when you swallow so food doesn't go into your lungs. If it's swollen, it can cause difficulty with breathing.
Epiglottitis is rare since the introduction of the Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) vaccination, but it's a serious condition that needs urgent medical treatment. There are some symptoms that may help you to distinguish between croup and epiglottitis. These include high fever, drooling and difficulty swallowing.
Bacterial tracheitis is another condition that may be confused with croup and has symptoms similar to epiglottitis. This is rare but your child will need treatment with antibiotics because otherwise the infection may lead to pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) or blood poisoning. Bacterial tracheitis usually occurs in older children.


  • Croup – management. Clinical Knowledge Summaries., accessed 10 December 2009
  • Croup. Overview. eMedicine., accessed 10 December 2009
  • Croup. Clinical Evidence. BMJ Publishing., accessed 10 December 2009. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD002870.pub2
  • Simon C, Everitt H, Kendrick T. Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. 2005. 851
  • Croup. Follow-up. eMedicine., accessed 10 December 2009
  • Croup. Treatment. eMedicine., accessed 10 December 2009
  • Moore M, Little P. Humidified air inhalation for treating croup. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. British National Formulary. (BNFC). Bronchodilators. BMJ Publishing Group, 2009: 152

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  • Croup
  • Pneumonia

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