This factsheet is for people who have urge incontinence, or who would like information about it.

Urinary incontinence is the unintentional leaking of urine. Urge incontinence is when you have a sudden and urgent need to pass urine that is usually followed by an uncontrollable leak.

About urge incontinence
Symptoms of urge incontinence
Causes of urge incontinence
Diagnosis of urge incontinence
Treatment of urge incontinence


About urge incontinence

A sudden intense need to pass urine and having to rush to get to the toilet is called 'urgency '. If you have urge incontinence, you may leak if you don't get to a toilet in time. Most often urge incontinence is caused by an overactive bladder (the muscles contract involuntarily before the bladder is full), although sometimes the cause is never found. Urge incontinence is the most common type of incontinence in older people.

Other types of urinary incontinence include the following.

  • Stress incontinence – when you suddenly leak urine because of an increase of pressure on your bladder. This could be from sneezing, coughing or lifting something heavy.
  • Mixed urinary incontinence – when you unintentionally pass urine because of both stress and urge incontinence.
  • Overflow incontinence (also known as chronic urinary retention) – this happens when your bladder doesn't empty properly, causing urine in it to spill out. It can be caused by weak bladder muscles or a blocked urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder out of your body). Overflow incontinence is rare in women.


Symptoms of urge incontinence

Urge incontinence is a sudden, intense urge to urinate, followed by an involuntary loss of urine. Your bladder muscle contracts and you may find that you only have a few seconds' warning that you need to pass urine. You may not be able to reach a toilet in time and as you result, you may leak urine unintentionally.

Some people have a similar feeling of urgency when they hear running water. You may also need to urinate more often than other people, including throughout the night.

If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor.

Causes of urge incontinence

Urge incontinence can be temporary or permanent. It can be caused by your lifestyle, underlying medical conditions or physical problems. However, often there is no clear cause.

Causes of temporary urge incontinence include those listed below.

  • An infection in your urinary tract, such as cystitis. Your urinary tract consists of your kidneys, two ureters (the tubes that connect each kidney to your bladder), your bladder and your urethra.
  • Alcohol and caffeine. These are diuretics (which cause the body to lose water by increasing the amount of urine your kidneys produce) and bladder stimulants, meaning that they can cause you to need to urinate suddenly.
  • Overhydration – drinking a lot of fluid increases the amount of urine you produce.
  • Constipation.
  • Medicines, such as sedatives, muscle relaxants and blood pressure medicines.

It's thought that persistent urge incontinence may be caused by changes in a part of the brain that controls urination. These changes disrupt the nervous system's ability to control the bladder.

Causes of permanent urge incontinence include:

  • diseases that affect your nerves, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
  • the menopause – in postmenopausal women, a lack of oestrogen contributes to thinning of the vaginal tissue, which causes irritation and can worsen urinary urgency
  • an illness or injury that interferes with mobility – this makes it harder for you to get to the bathroom quickly
  • brain disorders, such as stroke and dementia
  • bladder cancer or bladder stones
  • irritable bowel syndrome

Diagnosis of urge incontinence

Your doctor will first ask you about your symptoms and medical history. He or she will usually do a test on a sample of your urine to check that your incontinence isn't being caused by an infection in your urinary tract. Your doctor may also do a blood test to check that your kidneys are working properly.

Your doctor may ask you to keep a 'bladder diary' for at least three days. This involves recording how much you drink, when you pass urine, the amount of urine you produce, whether you had an urge to urinate and the number of times you unintentionally leak.

You may be referred to a urologist (a doctor who specialises in identifying and treating conditions that affect the urinary system) or, if you're a woman, a gynaecologist (a doctor who specialises in women's reproductive health) or urogynaecologist (a doctor who focuses on urinary and associated pelvic problems in women).

Your doctor may examine you. A rectal (back passage) examination will check if you're constipated or whether the nerves to your bladder are damaged. In men, a rectal examination will determine if the prostate is enlarged. If you're a woman, your doctor will check for weakness of your pelvic floor and look for a prolapse – this is when organs near your vagina, such as your womb, bowel or bladder, slip down from their normal position.

Examining you may also enable your doctor to determine if you have a problem with mental function or an underlying condition, for example, multiple sclerosis, that may be causing your incontinence.

You may need to have urodynamic testing. These tests measure the pressure in your bladder and the flow of urine. A thin, flexible tube, called a catheter, is inserted into your bladder through your urethra. Water is then passed through the catheter and the pressure in your bladder is recorded.

Please note that availability and use of specific tests may vary from country to country.

Treatment of urge incontinence 



There are several ways you can help yourself if you have been diagnosed with urge incontinence. These include the following.

  • If you're overweight or obese, lose excess weight. Exercising and eating healthily can help you to lose excess weight. The World Health Organization recommends doing 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate exercise over a week. You can do this by carrying out 30 minutes on at least five days each week.
  • Try not to have too much caffeine, or have decaffeinated coffee or tea instead.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and other foods that contain fibre. This will help stop you from becoming constipated.
  • You might need to drink more or less fluid. Your doctor will be able to advise you on this.
  • Pass urine frequently so you don't get a full bladder.
  • Wear absorbent pads to absorb any leaks – you can buy these from drugstores (pharmacies) and some supermarkets.

Your doctor may recommend bladder training, either alone or in combination with other therapies. Bladder training involves relearning how to urinate, and how to ignore or suppress the need to pass urine by gradually increasing the time between urinating. It's most often used by women with urge incontinence, however, it's also used for stress and mixed incontinence.

Physical therapies

Your doctor will usually ask you to do pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegel exercises). These exercises, if done correctly, can strengthen your bladder muscles and help you control urinating. To do pelvic floor muscle exercises, squeeze the muscles you would use to stop urinating and hold for a count of three. Your doctor will recommend that you do these exercises frequently for several months. These exercises are helpful, but more commonly used to help stress incontinence.

If you're having problems doing your pelvic floor muscles, your doctor or nurse may recommend biofeedback. Biofeedback therapy uses a computer and electronic instruments to tell you when you're using the right pelvic floor muscles.

If you're a woman, your doctor might recommend vaginal cones. These are weights that you hold in your vagina that help you strengthen the pelvic floor.


Your doctor might prescribe you medicine if pelvic floor muscle exercises and bladder training haven't been effective.

Anticholinergics are the most commonly prescribed medicine for urge incontinence. They relax your bladder muscles and help reduce the number of times you need to pass urine.

Anticholinergics are available as tablets, a liquid or a patch. The two most commonly prescribed medicines in this category are oxybutynin and tolterodine. Newer drugs in this category include solifenacin, darifenacin, fesoterodine and trospium. Your doctor might consider these medicines if oxybutynin and tolterodine aren't effective.

Always ask your doctor for advice and read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine.

Non-surgical treatments

Botulinum A toxin (eg Botox) can be injected into your bladder to help relax its overactive muscles. A flexible tube-like instrument called a cystoscope is passed through your urethra into your bladder and a fine needle is used to inject the botulinum A toxin.

This procedure can be done under either a general anaesthetic (meaning you will be asleep during the procedure) or a local anaesthetic (this completely blocks pain from the area and you will stay awake during the procedure). The effects last for nine to 12 months.

You may be offered neuromodulation (also known as sacral nerve stimulation) if physical treatments or medicines don't work for you. This involves stimulating the nerves to your bladder and helps to correct wrong or unwanted messages sent along these nerves. A small device is surgically implanted under the skin and fat of your lower back to stimulate your sacral nerve with mild electrical pulses.

You might be offered percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation. This stimulates the nerves responsible for bladder control. A small, fine needle is inserted at your ankle near your tibial nerve. This is then connected to a stimulator device and electrical impulses travel along your nerves to help retrain your bladder function.


If other treatments haven't been effective, you may wish to consider surgery. As with every procedure, there are some risks associated with having surgery for bladder problems. Talk to your doctor or surgeon about your options and the risks that are associated with each one.

Surgical options include the following.

  • Bladder augmentation. This is a major operation that increases the size of your bladder. Your surgeon will cut open your bladder and sew a patch of tissue taken from your bowel between the two halves. You will need to stay in hospital after your operation for about 10 days, but it can take up to four months to completely recover.
  • Detrusor myectomy. This is a major operation that involves removing some or all of the outer muscle layer that surrounds your bladder. This procedure aims to reduce the number of bladder contractions you have and the strength of them. About half of all people who have this operation are cured and around two-thirds have improvements in their symptoms. This procedure is not commonly practiced.

 Availability and use of different treatments may vary from country to country. Ask your doctor for advice on your treatment options.

This section contains answers to common questions about this topic. Questions have been suggested by health professionals, website feedback and requests via email.

 What is bladder training?
What are pelvic floor exercises and how do I do them?
What else can I do to make things feel better day to day?


 What is bladder training?

Bladder training is a treatment that can help if you have urge incontinence or mixed incontinence. It works best if your symptoms are mild. You learn how to ignore or suppress the need to pass urine. Eventually you will have fewer strong urges to pass urine and can get into a more regular pattern. You will need to try bladder training for at least six weeks to know whether it's working or not.


Bladder training works by increasing the time between each visit to the toilet, and so increasing the amount of urine you pass each time you go. Learning how to train your bladder is something that is done most effectively when your nurse can help you, but it's possible for you to learn how to train your bladder yourself.
The four steps to bladder training are:

  • Keep a bladder diary to record when you go to the toilet to pass urine, what you drink and how long you can wait until you have to go. 
  • From your records, you will be able to work out how long your bladder can hold before you need to visit the toilet. Set your first target to improve on this. For example, if you pass urine every hour, set your first target to pass urine every hour and a half.
  • To hold on for this extra time you need to distract yourself. Sitting on a hard chair or a rolled up towel can help, as can squeezing your pelvic floor muscles. You may need to take small steps to get to your target, for example, increasing by five minutes at a time.
  • Once you have achieved your target, set a new one. Keep going until you are going to the toilet to pass urine every three or four hours and your symptoms of urgency have gone. It can take several weeks or even months to get to this stage.

If you feel there is no improvement at all after two to three weeks, talk to your doctor.

Further information




  • Urinary incontinence: The management of urinary incontinence in women. NICE clinical guideline 40. October 2006., accessed 30 September 2009
  • Wallace SA, Roe B, Williams K et al. Bladder training for urinary incontinence in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD001308. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001308.pub2., accessed 30 September 2009
  • Bladder retraining - Bladder and Bowel Foundation. , accessed 30 September 2009


What are pelvic floor exercises and how do I do them?

Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles that span your legs and support your bladder, uterus and bowel. You can exercise these muscles by squeezing them as if you’re trying to stop wind or urine escaping.


Most women with stress or mixed incontinence are offered this treatment, before medicine or surgery. Some women have mild pain or discomfort when they do the exercises, but usually this treatment has no side-effects.
You need to do pelvic floor exercises at least three times a day over a period of three months before you can say if they’re working. If they have worked, then you will need to do them for the rest of your life to maintain the benefits.

  • To find your pelvic floor, imagine stopping yourself from passing urine and wind.
  • Tighten the muscles around your vagina, your urethra (the tube that urine leaves your body from) and your back passage. It feels like a squeeze and lift inside.
  • Squeeze and lift for 10 seconds as strongly as you can. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat ten times. Follow with 10 fast squeezes. Repeat this three times a day.
  • Breathe normally as you do the exercises.
  • Try not to squeeze your buttocks or legs together.
  • You can do these exercises while you’re standing, sitting or lying down. No one can see you do them. Try and set a routine, for example, every time you wash your hands, or clean your teeth.
  • Treatments like vaginal cones and biofeedback can help alongside pelvic floor exercises. Talk to your GP or nurse for more information.

Your GP can refer you to a physiotherapist or a continence nurse who can teach you how to do them if you are unsure.

Further information


  • The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists


  • Urinary incontinence: The management of urinary incontinence in women. NICE clinical guideline 40. October 2006.
  • Incontinence - urinary, in women – Management. Clinical Knowledge Summaries., accessed 30 September 2009
  • Pelvic floor. Bladder and Bowel Foundation., accessed 30 September 2009
  • Pelvic floor exercises. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists., accessed 30 September 2009


What else can I do to make things feel better day to day?

Incontinence can have a major impact on your life, affecting your work, relationships, social life and emotional wellbeing. Many women are too embarrassed to get help and some see it as a natural part of getting older. However, there are many things that you can do for yourself that may help you to feel more comfortable and in control.


It’s really important not to ignore the problem, hoping it will go away. Around one in three women never seek help and suffer in silence. The first step is to speak to your GP as soon as the problem starts. Organisations can also help by providing you with information as well as emotional and practical support to help you deal with your feelings and worries, helping you feel more in control.
Your GP may also refer you to a specialist continence nurse who can offer you specialist advice.
Practical tips that may help include the following.

  • Avoid constipation as it can make incontinence worse. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and fibre in your diet. Make sure you drink six to eight glasses of fluid a day and exercise for 30 minutes a day.
  • If you take diuretic medicines (water tablets) for a health condition like high blood pressure, they may affect your incontinence. Try varying the times when you take your tablets and ask your GP whether there are any other medicines you could try.
  • Try the wide range of pads and knickers available to suit different needs. For example, you might want something slim and discreet during the day but something more bulky at night. You can buy pads from the chemist or your nurse can order them.
  • Look after your skin. Urine can cause irritation - as well as leaving your skin red and sore it can cause it to break down. Clean and dry your skin thoroughly as soon as possible after any incontinence.


Further information



  • Incontinence - urinary, in women – Management. Clinical Knowledge Summaries., accessed 30 September 2009.
  • Simon C, Everitt H, Kendrick T. Oxford handbook of general practice. 2nd ed. Oxford. Oxford University Press 2007: 694-97
  • Incontinence and your emotions - Bladder and Bowel Foundation., accessed 30 September 2009

Related topics

Alzheimer’s disease
Anxiety disorders
Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Flexible cystoscopy
Healthy eating
Healthy weight for adults
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Stress incontinence
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Urodynamic study

Further information



  • Incontinence. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy., accessed 3 November 2011
  • Urinary incontinence. The Merck Manuals., published August 2007
  • Urgency and urge incontinence. The Bladder and Bowel Foundation., accessed 3 November 2011
  • Stress urinary incontinence. The Bladder and Bowel Foundation., accessed 3 November 2011
  • Urinary incontinence in women. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases., published September 2010
  • Personal communication, Mr Raj Persad, Consultant Urologist, Bristol Royal Infirmary, 5 December 2011
  • Urgency and urge incontinence treatments. The Bladder and Bowel Foundation., accessed 3 November 2011
  • Urinary incontinence in women. BMJ Best Practice., published April 2011
  • Start active, stay active: a report on physical activity from the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers. Department of Health, 2011.
  • Urinary incontinence treatment and management. eMedicine., published October 2011
  • Personal training for your pelvic floor muscles. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy., published April 2011
  • Incontinence – urinary, in women. Prodigy., published June 2009
  • Physical activity and adults. World Health Organization., accessed 17 October 2012

Produced by Alice Rossiter, Bupa Health Information Team, January 2012.
This information was published by Bupa’s health information team and is based on reputable sources of medical evidence. It has been peer reviewed by Bupa doctors. The content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.

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